Health Care Services, Types of Health Care: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary & Functions of Secondary Health care


efforts made to maintain or restore physical, mental, or emotional well-being especially by trained and licensed professionals usually hyphenated when used attributively
health-care providers

Health care services

Medical Definition of health care

the maintaining and restoration of health by the treatment and prevention of disease especially by trained and licensed professionals (as in medicine, dentistry, clinical psychology, and public health)We developed penicillin, heart surgery and transplants, among many other breakthroughs that have transformed health care.— Thomas FishbeinMedicare payments for home healthcare will also be reduced by $40 billion over 10 years.— Peter Grier
Pregnant health care workers should wash their hands more frequently than usual and be extra-careful when handling infectious objects.

health care services

  • 1.

    "Health care services" means any medical or remedial care or service, including supplies delivered in connection with the care or service, that is recognized under state law.
    Oregon Legislature 1
    See also health care payment, health care payor, person
  • 2.

    "Health care services" means the furnishing of medicine, medical or surgical treatment, nursing, hospital service, dental service, optometrical service, complementary health services or any or all of the enumerated services or any other necessary services of like character, whether or not contingent upon sickness or personal injury, as well as the furnishing to any person of any and all other services and goods for the purpose of preventing, alleviating, curing or healing human illness, physical disability or injury.


     Health service delivery systems that are safe, accessible, high quality, people-centred, and integrated are critical for moving towards universal health coverage. Service delivery systems are responsible for providing health services for patients, persons, families, communities and populations in general, and not only care for patients. While patient-centred care is commonly understood as focusing on the individual seeking care (the patient), people-centred care encompasses these clinical encounters and also includes attention to the health of people in their communities and their crucial role in shaping health policy and health services.
    Service delivery systems should also consider the whole spectrum of care from promotion and prevention to diagnostic, rehabilitation and palliative care, as well all levels of care including self-care, home care, community care, primary care, long-term care, hospital care, in order to provide integrated health services throughout the life course. WHO is supporting countries in moving towards universal health coverage through improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their health service delivery systems

Health Care Services & Functions of Secondary Health care

Types of Healthcare:

Every individual has required different care depending upon their health problem like some require normal care and some require extra special care. So on the basis of patient condition healthcare divides into various types. Following types of healthcare are explained below:

(i) Primary Healthcare:

Primary health care mainly focuses on health equity producing social policy  beyond the traditional healthcare system. Its main aim is to provide local care to a patient because professionals related to primary care are normal generalists, deals with a broad range of psychological, physical and social problems etc rather than specialists in any particular disease area. Primary care services rapidly increasing in both the developed and developing countries depending upon the increasing number of adults at greater risk of chronic noncommunicable disease like diabetes, asthma, back pain, hypertension, anxiety, depression etc.
To achieve the ultimate goals of primary health care., WHO has described five elements to achieve this goal. Following are:
  • Stakeholder participation increased.
  • Integrate health into all sectors.
  • According to people need & expectation organizing healthy services.
  • Pursuing collaborative models of policy dialogue.

(ii) Secondary Healthcare:

This healthcare is provided by the medical specialists and other health problems who do not have direct contact with a patient like urologists, dermatologists, cardiologists etc. According to National health system policy, the patient required primary care professionals referral to proceed further for secondary care. Depends on countries to countries, the patient cannot directly take secondary care because sometimes health system imposed a restriction of referral on a patient in terms of payment.
The systems come under this category is known as District Health system and County Health system.
(a) District Health system : This system  mainly focus on child health and maternity care. People population of this system is about 25000 to 50000 and includes various healthcare centres and district hospitals. Healthcare centres receive referrals from various primary health care and is remain open for 24 hours every day. District hospitals include emergency services, neonatal care, comprehensive emergency obstetric etc  and is remain open for 24 hours every day.
(b) County Health system:   Into this system, hospitals receive referrals from the District & community health systems. County hospital provides gynecologic services, general medicine, obstetrics, general surgery etc and is remain open for 24 hours every day.

(iii) Tertiary Healthcare:

This type of healthcare is known as specialized consultative healthcare usually for  inpatients and on referral from primary and secondary healthcare for advanced medical investigation and treatment. following examples of tertiary care services are plastic surgery, burn treatment, cardiac surgery, cancer management, neurosurgery, complex medical and surgical interventions etc.
The main provider of tertiary care is national Health system consist of Regional hospitals and National Hospital. Regional hospitals receive a reference from various county hospitals and serves as training sites complementary to the National referral hospital. It also provides additional care services and remains open for 24 hours every day.

Function OF


Secondary Health Care is the specialist treatment and support provided by doctors and other health professionals for patients who have been referred to them for specific expert care, most often provided in hospitals.
Usually, patients are referred from primary healthcare centres to hospitals when local health staff lack the knowledge, resources or specialisation to treat them. Secondary healthcare includes a wide range of specialists, such as psychiatrists, cardiologists, obstetricians, dermatologists, paediatricians and gynaecologists.
International Medical Corps provides Secondary Health Care to tens of thousands of people in a range of challenging and low resource environments around the world. We support visits from experts in key areas of health to primary health care centres where there is an identified need, and when access to hospitals is difficult or impossible. We work in hospitals where the local systems lack resources to provide adequate care. We also work to improve the capacity of secondary healthcare professionals through training, continuing education and support. This saves lives in the short term, but also ensures that the skills and knowledge needed to operate a functioning health care system are developed and kept within communities.


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